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Dewford Technologies’s Custom Real Estate Management Systems

From real estate to property and HOA management, a custom software solution will open all the right doors

Real Estate Management Has a Lot of Moving Parts

Check how it Works

Real estate management is a complex, highly customized process. As any manager knows, every day is a new adventure, with new issues to address and resident concerns to juggle, But custom management software makes it simple to keep everything running smoothly, automating management details and making the community feel like home, sweet home.

Why Choose Custom Software?

While there are a few off-the-rack land the executives programming choices accessible available, their out-of-the-crate highlights and awkward joining capacities will make for a not exactly ideal experience. No genuine gauge the board is indistinguishable, and no off-the-rack arrangement can give a 100% match to your association's necessities. Custom programming, then again, is worked with your particular business and its specific subtleties and necessities as a top priority. Likewise, you own the framework, and you can make changes depending on the situation, increasing it to help extending groups and flawlessly incorporating it with other outsider arrangements. To put it plainly, with custom programming, you're generally in charge

Custom Management Solutions
for Properties of All Shapes and Sizes
Regardless of whether you're dealing with deals in another turn of events or dealing with a current property or a HOA, your administration apparatuses are critical to your prosperity, your inhabitants' fulfillment, and your primary concern. That is the reason we offer custom answers for a wide scope of land the executives needs.
Dewford Technologies Custom Real Estate Management Software Lets You Control Your Territory
From funds to showcasing to ordinary upkeep, your custom land the board framework allows you to redo the manner in which you follow and deal with every one of the numerous aspects of your work.
Customization of Existing Systems

Numerous more modest organizations can't bear to construct a custom land the board framework without any preparation, and that is OK. On the off chance that that is the situation, you can in any case profit with framework customization.

As a rule, we can offer help, improvement, and highlight advancement on your current frameworks, regardless of whether they were specially assembled or prefab. On the off chance that your obsolete inheritance framework is a project, putting resources into a little remodel to work on both the occupant experience and inner work processes will go far in assisting you with remaining in front of the opposition.

Bringing in new tenants has never been easier, from vetting rental applicants to supporting buyers through the mortgage process.
Acquiring new occupants has never been simpler, from verifying rental candidates to supporting purchasers through the home loan measure.
Construction and maintenance management
From significant remodels to minor fixes, our frameworks engage administrators to deal with work orders, arrange subcontractors, and guarantee quality workmanship, keeping your properties looking (and living) all around great.
Customized vendor and tenant management
Regardless of whether you're handling rent and HOA contribution or planning and paying sellers for their work, our bookkeeping and CRM incorporation make mass charges and installments easy to execute, record, and track.
Tenant satisfaction management
Conversation gatherings, inhabitant mass specialized apparatuses, neighborhood business surveys. We can fabricate the easy to understand highlights your framework needs to cause your properties to feel like networks and your units feel like homes..

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A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between parties, such as the software developer (or a software development firm) and yourself, outlining information to be shared and requiring that information be kept confidential.
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